Brio Blogs

The other day in my ramblings through blogs, I concluded that many bloggers are not good writers.  Yes, they can string a subject with a verb and make sense.  But their writing is more of a this-is-what-I-did-today rather than con brio writing (to borrow a musical term).

In music, the term con brio [con bree-oh] means with spirit, with vigor.  If you play this way on the piano, the violin, or even the tuba, the song is very lively and peppy.  It moves along at a nice clip.  It’s not like your grandma snoozing in her armchair.

Many bloggers write like that snoozing grandma.  Oh so boring!  No sparkle.  No dazzle.  Merely drool dripping from grandma’s lips.  The general public is not drawn to read post after post on those blogs.  Their readers are usually family members who want to stay current on how things are going and don’t care much about the quality of writing.

But there are a handful of blogs where the writing is brio (to use a non-musical term).  Brio [bree-oh] means vigor, vivacity.  (See how similar it is to the musical term?)

A person could hike with brio, scold with brio, or shovel the snow off the sidewalk with brio.  These activities would be done with great vigor and enthusiasm.  (I like to think that the person is also happy while doing something with brio and gusto!)

Next time you read a blog that is lively, entertaining, and well written, post a comment saying how brio the writing is!  I’m sure the author will be delighted (after scurrying to the dictionary to find out what you just said)!

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